Our new brochure for 2023 is now available. In line with our commitment to sustainable tourism, our new brochure is for the first time available to view online here>. We are aware that some of our guests value having a printed brochure so this is still available. However, it is provided on request only, not as a mailshot, to ensure no one receives a brochure who doesn't need or want it. Our printed brochure is also now ordered in small batches to be able to respond to demand so that there will not be any waste when it becomes out of date. A printed brochure can be ordered here> where there is also an option to download it as a pdf.
For 2023 there are 12 hand-picked cruise itineraries on offer exploring the islands of the Inner, Outer and Southern Hebrides; St Kilda; the North West Highlands and the Caledonian Canal, which passes through the very heart of Highland Scotland. Choose from 4-night; 6-night; 8-night or 10-night cruises. Our exciting new 8-night cruise for 2023 is "Sea Kingdom of the Southern Hebrides" sailing south out of Oban, dropping anchor at several islands, each with their own individual fascinating character and history, including the Garvellachs, Jura, Islay, Colonsay, Gigha and Seil.
Because our 2023 brochure is online we have been able to include more stunning images captured during our 2021 cruising season, all of which have been taken by crew or guests. We are very grateful to the following people who have contributed photographs:
Skippers Rob Barlow and James Fairbairns, Wildlife Guides Will Smith, Alexa Kershaw, Lynsey Bland and Nigel Spencer, Guests Derek Prescott, Brian Fairbrother, Steve Lloyd, Pat Boreham, Robert Rees, John Bartram, Wildlife Guide and photographer Chris Gomersall
All the quotes in the brochure were taken from the reviews listed on our website.
The crews local knowledge was excellent. Our meals were delicious and imaginative with some of the best fodd ever experienced on a holiday! Definitley make a booking!
Angela Cresswell: 7 May 2022Skye, the Small Isles and the Shiants