3 June 2023
We just wanted to say how wonderful last week was on the Emma Jane. Skipper Chris and Lynsey devised an excellent itinerary. Jaya’s food was amazing and Bee the perfect hostess. The laughter from the galley was a delight even though we didn’t have a clue what they were talking about! The weather was wonderful and the wildlife beyond expectation. The humpback whale making a guest appearance couldn’t have been better timed. Lynsey jumping around the deck with sheer excitement was also quite a joy! Thank you once again to everyone involved with the cruise. It was a long time coming but well worth the wait.
Christine Rose
Hi It has taken some time to get around to writing this review - partly because I moved house 10 days after returning from my adventure! I thought long and hard about 'to go or not to go' and eventually took the plunge finally having chance to set foot on Hirta - the island I had first heard about some 30 years before - it was amazing to be there - and on Canna and Sanday, Harris, Vatersay, Rhum and the rest. The food was incredible and the fact that so much care and attention was taken of individual difficulties and allergies was such a relief as I was never worrying if something I abhorred or could eat would turn up on the table! Our skipper (Chris) and Bosun (Craig) were a wealth of knowledge and information which they shared freely and being allowed into the wheelhouse to see Hirta on the horizon and to be able to find out about lighthouse flashes, shipping lanes, navigation and weather reports was fascinating. I have never seen people work so hard and yet maintain such a pleasant, courteous and helpful manner. I had a wonderful time - basking sharks, Minke whales, dolphin bow racing, sea eagles, puffins and wild otter as well as the wild deer on Rhum - magical! I have come back with a diary and head full of memories and an i pad full of photos as well as the deep desire to save my pennies and adventure off again at some future date. Thank you, thank you for making my dreams come true
Una McLean: 16 July 2018St Kilda and the isles of the Outer Hebrides