27 May 2019
Quality and variety of beautifully presented food could not be surpassed and the bread and cakes were fab! Table decorations wonderful and imaginative. Our guide worked very hard to always be on the look out for wildlife, despite weather conditions sometimes. The skipper was hard working and very conscientious, always aware of safety and comfort. The whole crew never stopped working, they were all wonderful and cheeful! Thank you
Brigitte Hyde
First class all the way, food (including vegetarian) well catered, knowledgeable staff never short of information and practical help, never been so “looked after”. Yes book it. For us it was a lot of money compared to our usual trips but it was well worth it. We know the Western Isles pretty well but were taken to many new places and Kathryn had never really been on a ship before.
Neil & Kathryn Turnball: 16 June 2022Far-flung islands: Harris, Taransay & the Flannan Isles